Sitting around the lounge room with a hot cuppa and a few friends, showing off your wedding photos the best possible way, is what wedding albums are all about. We all love sharing our photos and memories on social media, but some things are much too special to be kept on social media or a hard drive. Like your wedding photos. It is so nice holding them and walk through each image with your hands and sharing their stories. Not just today, but for years to come. With new and old family members. With friends from next door or high school friends that have been hanging around for the last 20 years! Young and old, everyone appreciates a good story and a good book.
Our Albums are designed the old fashion way / by a human! We spends a lot of time getting every photo placed perfectly and retaining the flow of the story. We color corrects and works closely with the printing lab to ensure the best possible results. As for me, I love seeing my images come to life. It is exciting every time an album comes back from the printers and we get to have the first look. I spend a lot of time in front of a screen editing and making sure all the images are just right. And it really is rewarding to be able to hold the finished product.
The paper stock it self is unbelievable and the seamless binding means theres no messy lines down the middle of the book. That means we can print full page spreads without loosing any of the image. Aside from all that, they just look DAMN good!